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Sequence of Operation & Diagnostics (*9MPV, *9MVX) Thefollowingisthenormaloperatingsequenceatfactorydefaultsettings(SW1OFF/ON/OFF,SW2allOFF) NOTE: SW1DIPswitches(G,Y/Y2,W1,W2thermostatterminals)andDEHUM(1/4”malequickconnectterminal)arelocatedonthe FCB. SW2DIPswitchesandY1andOthermostatterminalsarelocatedontheTSIB. LowCooling(Y1)Request: 24VAC signals applied to Y1 & G terminals of TSIB (Tap Select Interface Board) and FCB (Furnace Control Board), respectively. • Low Cooling motor speed is energized after 5 second Cool Fan On Delay time. Y1 & G signals removed from TSIB and FCB • Low Cooling motor speed is de--energized after 90 second Cool Fan Off Delay time. Cooling (Y1) and dehumidification (DEHUM) requests: • 24 VAC signals applied to Y1, DEHUM & G terminals of TSIB and FCB. • Same operation as the cooling (Y1) request, except the cooling airflow is reduced 20% to compensate for high humidity conditions during cooling operation. The low cooling airflow returns to the normal setting after the DEHUM signal is removed. HighCooling(Y1&Y/Y2)or(Y/Y2)Request: 24VAC signals applied to Y1 & Y/Y2 & G or Y/Y2 & G terminals of FCB (Furnace Control Board). • High Cooling motor speed is energized after 5 second Cool Fan On Delay time. Y1 & Y/Y2 & G or Y/Y2 & G signals removed from TSIB and FCB • High Cooling motor speed is de--energized after 90 second Cool Fan Off Delay time. High Cooling (Y1 & Y/Y2 or Y/Y2) and dehumidification (DEHUM) requests: • 24 VAC signals applied to Y1 & Y/Y2 or Y/Y2, DEHUM, & G terminals of TSIB and FCB. • Sameoperationasthehighcooling(Y1&Y/Y2orY/Y2)request,exceptthecoolingairflowisreduced20%tocompensateforhigh humidity conditions during cooling operation. The high cooling airflow returns to the normal setting after the DEHUM signal is removed. Low or high cooling and O terminal (Heat Pump mode): • IftheJ2jumperisintheAC/HPEFFICIENCYposition,therewillbenochangeinblowerairflowregardlessoftheOterminalbeing energized or de--energized. • IftheJ2jumperisintheHPCOMFORTposition,thentherewillbea10%reductioninairflowwhentheOterminalisde--energized (HP heating) and no airflow reduction when O is energized (HP cooling). NOTE1)ThemotorhasbeensetuptorecognizetheOterminalasenergizedduringcoolingcalls(reversingvalveenergizedforcooling). ContinuousCirculatingFan(G)Request: 24VAC signal applied to G terminal of FCB. • Continuous fan speed is energized without delay. G signal removed from FCB. • Continuous fan speed is de--energized after 5 second delay. NOTE2)HeatorCoolingrequestsreceivedduringaFanrequest,causethefanspeedtochangetotheappropriateheatorcoolspeedafter theFanOnDelaytimeexpires.ThefanreturnstocontinuouscirculatingspeedaftertheselectedFanOffDelaytimeexpiresfollowingloss oftheHeatingorCoolingrequest. NOTE3) Hard--wireoptionnotavailableforvariablespeedmodels. NOTE 4) Continuous blower selection DIP 10 and 11 will cause the blower to run in high cooling speed for all low cooling (Y1) calls. ContinuousblowerDIPsettingsof00and01willallowlowcooling(Y1)callstooperatenormally. Heating(W1)Request(singlestagethermostatoperation,SW1DIPswitch#3ontheFCBmust beinOFFposition)(seefurnacewiringdiagram): 24VAC signal applied to W1 terminal of FCB. • Inducer motor turns on at high speed. • Following a 15 second prepurge delay after the low pressure switch closes, the ignitor begins a 17 second warm up. • The gas valve is energized, the main burners light at Low Heat rate. • The ignitor is de--energized, and the inducer drops to low speed after the main burners ignite. • TheFCBwilldelayLowHeatbloweroperationforthe45--secondLowHeatFanOnDelaytimetimedfromtheopeningofthegas valve. • If the W1 request is still present after 12 minutes, timed from the opening of the gas valve, the inducer switches to high speed, closing the high pressure switch, then the High Heat solenoid energizes, and the fan switches to High Heat speed. W1 signal removed from FCB. • The gas valve de--energizes and the main burners go out. • The inducer runs at its present speed for a 15 second postpurge period.